I have updated few of my BSD-licensed units. Enjoy. GpLists 1.22a GpHugeFile 4.0b GpStructuredStorage 1.11 GpSync 1.19a - Raise exception if caller tries to post a message that is larger than the message queue.
GpTextFile 4.0a - Bug fixed [found by Brian D. Ogilvie]: When cfUseLF was set, /CR/ was used as line delimiter in Writeln (/LF/ should be used).
GpTextStream 1.04a - Bug fixed: When cfUseLF was set, /CR/ was used as line delimiter in Writeln (/LF/ should be used).
GpTimezone 1.21b - Modified UTCTo[TZ]LocalTime/[TZ]LocalTimeToUTC functions to automatically execute FixDT on the result.
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